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Project Managers


These impressive young adults have applied to become Project Managers and collaborate with Sponsors, Advisors, and Mentors on meaningful climate projects. Our Success Stories include present and past PMs. 

For more information, click their profile pictures or LinkedIn icons.


Success Stories



Anna Michel

📍Berkeley, CA

I transitioned from being part-time at two climate advocacy organizations to now be a full-time, salaried Projects Manager at one, where I build communication strategy, educational resources, and digital engagement. Read about my past year working here


Costanza Gonzalo

📍San Francisco, CA 

Success Story! I was a part-time Project Manager focused on developing the Active Allies program and this website. Now, I'm a Climate Corps fellow learning about making buildings more sustainable. I believe in empowering our generation to turn their climate activism into a sustainable career and to ensure a livable future for all.


Evan Hynes

📍San Francisco, CA

As the founder of ClimateBase and a core Active Allies launch partner, I help empower individuals and organizations to work on meaningful solutions to our climate crisis.

Evan Hynes
Costanza Gonzalo

Ahlad Reddy

📍Oakland, CA

I am a multi-disciplinary climate organizer with broad experience in technology, design, and media.

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Emma Hokoda

📍Santa Clara, CA

As a passionate and creative young professional with local and global climate experience,  I seek to mitigate climate change and advance sustainable development worldwide through community-driven work that promotes environmental justice.


Evelyn Hurtado

📍Orange County, CA (will relocate)

I'm a sustainability educator and leader, ecstatic for the opportunity to build upon my skills in program development, agroecology, and advocacy in support of the climate restoration movement.

Ahlad Reddy
Evelyn Hurtado
Tallulah Lam Shepard

Tallulah Lam Shepard

📍Berkeley, CA

From June through September, I served as 350BA’s Youth Climate Organizer, with Felix Kramer as my sponsor and Nan Farley as my mentor. I am incredibly grateful to have been provided the opportunity to put a career centering the climate crisis into motion.


Spencer Burget

📍Oakland / Los Angeles, CA

I’m a recent graduate excited to get to work implementing innovative and equitable solutions to our most pressing environmental problems. I am currently volunteering as the Active Allies Fund Coordinator.

Spencer Burget
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