Do you believe in the transformative potential of paying and supporting young activists to build a flourishing future for us all?
Are you looking to get involved in a world-changing startup?
Volunteer with our startup teams at Active Allies!
CalCars Squared: Convert hundreds of millions of gas-guzzlers to plug-ins, FAST! After Felix Kramer founded the California Cars Initiative in 2001, successfully encouraged automakers to build plug-in hybrids. This sequel sees vast opportunities in our current fleet. No matter how quickly EVs arrive, over a billion vehicles will pollute for decades. But electrifying many of them can create jobs all over in a new multi-trillion dollar market.
STATUS: Collaborators from CalCars will be joined by tech, cleantech, and climate colleagues to identify the best fixes and resources. We’ll start with low-hanging fruit: demonstrator tractor and truck conversions, perhaps in California's Central Valley. -
Grow Better: Transition farms and communities to regenerative agriculture. Alternatives to poisonous industrial agriculture monocultures can bring many health, safety, climate, and economic benefits. In our perilously polarized nation, we believe Grow Better can gain the support of 80% of Americans.
STATUS: Our volunteer Initiator is working toward a California Central Valley Grow Better Initiative — a prototype to accelerate rapid transitions for farms and communities. -
Active Allies: Enlist seasoned, networked people to support youth employment for climate action and justice. We can build these startups and others with this platform. Great Minds Think Alike: Read how Bill McKibben is making intergenerational collaboration a major priority.
STATUS: With partners, at our proof of concept, we now Sponsor, Mentor, and Advise a small first cohort of Project Managers. We enable young adults to go from volunteering to being paid to work on what they care about most. (Send us any potential candidate to be hired ASAP as the Active Allies Campaign Manager.)
CalCars Squared, Grow Better, or Active Allies Startup Leader
Coordinates the development of new projects.
Researches the project’s field and all the necessary information for the project and team members to succeed.
Recruits volunteers, project managers, and sponsors to grow the project.
Get the big picture at Presenting: 3 MVPs from Active Allies. Can you volunteer to lead one, or join in?

Project Managers Supervisor

Recruits, interviews, and on-boards new project managers.
Oversees the work of project managers and provides support when necessary.
Ensures a healthy work relationship between project managers and the rest of the team.
Identifies opportunities to pitch potential Sponsors, Mentors, Advisors, and Funders (or SMAFs, our internal acronym) to join Active Allies.
Advances Active Allies’ relationships with networking organizations like Airminers, ClimateLink/Atmos, and New Energy Nexus to recruit SMAFs.
Partnerships Director
Develops lists of categories of organizations/companies to then strategically approach with a proposal to collaborate with us.
Orgs can include:
Those with fellowship programs, like Climate Corps, Americorps, Environmental Entrepreneurs, Ashoka-US, Y Combinator, and Anthropocene Institute’s Fellows & Interns programs (in development)
Top Bay Area climate groups: 350BA, Climate Reality, Sierra Club, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Sunrise Movement, etc.
State policy organizations, elected officials, and other entities who should be involved in establishing the Course-Correct Corps (a Project of Active Allies)
Legal Advisor

Provides guidance on the structure of the Active Allies Fund, including:
- the terms of agreement with our Fiscal Sponsor;
mechanisms for both tax-deductible and nondeductible contributions;
facilitating large philanthropic contributions;
and contracting with a service bureau for Project Manager compensation, benefits, and withholding.
Helps us establish the structure of the Course-Correct Corps, e.g. partnerships and legislative drafting in California and nationally.
HR Coordinator

Orients Sponsors, Mentors, Advisors, and Funders (or SMAFs, our internal acronym) into Active Allies.
Reviews and on-boards new Project Managers (PM)
Pairs PMs with Sponsors and/or Mentors and loosely supervises their working relationships.
Offers and facilitates human resources and professional development support to the PMs as needed.
Video Team Member

Collaborates with Active Allies PMs, Mentors & Advisors, and Partners to create video content promoting our program, mission, projects, and the people involved. The first video project will be Voices for our Future.
Projects Promoter

Monitors and posts on the Slack channels of groups like Airminers, ClimateLink, Climate Emergency, Climate Reality Project, and My Climate Journey to consistently engage with their members on getting involved in Active Allies Projects, identifying opportunities for new projects, etc.
Reaches out to companies like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Patreon, etc. to propose special designation for Active Allies Projects at their respective online platforms.
Communications Lead

Writes copy and creates accompanying graphics for the Active Allies newsletter and social media posts. Is familiar with best practices for Instagram, Facebook, and Mailchimp (or similar email marketing platforms).
UI & UX Specialist

Spearheads optimization of the website’s user experience and interface, with a main initial focus on audience testing, in partnership with The Determined and others.
Expert working groups

Creates an inventory of climate needs and outlining employment opportunities in the Bay Area, then in California.
Anything missing? We welcome suggestions for more ways startup team volunteers can help.