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Ahlad Reddy

I am a multi-disciplinary climate organizer with broad experience in technology, design, and media. 


Organizations, projects, and companies I work with & support 

  • Sunrise Movement Bay Area

  •  East Bay Democratic Socialists of America

  •  Ho2pe


About me 

I am a multi-disciplinary engineer, developer, designer, artist, and now activist with degrees from UC Berkeley, Imperial College London, and the Royal College of Art. I also work with Sunrise Bay Area on the Communications & Storytelling team and with East Bay DSA on the Green New Deal committee. I view a lot of the work I do through the lens of design, and I’m constantly thinking about how principles of human-centered design and design strategy can be applied to movement building.  


Check out my website.


My lightbulb moment

In January 2020, I attended my first event with Sunrise Bay Area and I could immediately feel a sense of community and support among people who truly care about the climate crisis. Amidst the chaos of the 2020 Democratic Primary, I realized that it was not enough for me to simply support policy goals like the Green New Deal and Medicare for All and cast my vote every couple of years. Real change only comes about when people band together and take collective action, and I have to do my part to build that movement in whatever capacity I can. Since then, I’ve become an active member of Sunrise Bay Area and East Bay DSA, and have worked on a number of organizing initiatives including Bernie 2020, Earth Day Live, a Green New Deal for public transit, and a People’s Bailout for California.


Climate change in NorCal
Sunrise Movement Bay Area, Bioneers, Sunflower Alliance, Climate Health Now, Asian Pacific Environmental Network, CAYouthVsBigOil

People I read & follow
Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez
Naomi Klein, Daniel Aldana Cohen, Alyssa Battistoni, Thea Riofrancos, & Kate Aronoff, authors of A Planet to Win Michael Brooks


Climate media 
Hot and Bothered, Podcast on Climate Politics from Daniel Aldana Cohen and Kate Aronoff, The Michael Brooks Show, The Intercept, Independent Investigative Journalism
Democracy Now, Daily, Global, Independent News Hour

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