Felix Kramer
I’m an ex-entrepreneur fortunate enough to be able to volunteer full-time on climate change as a writer-ideator-networker. Let's connect at LinkedIn!
​My evolutions
1949-1999: I was a sixties activist who left college to organize draft resistors against the Vietnam War. Back then, personally ending business as usual changed my life. Ever since, at startups, events, companies, campaigns, and coalitions, I’ve promoted "missing pieces" for awareness and solutions.
2000-2009: I founded the California Cars Initiative (CalCars.org). Our coalition of entrepreneurs, engineers, advocates, and activists set off sparks! Starting around 2004, we inspired (and embarrassed) carmakers to produce plug-in hybrids, boosting a global campaign to electrify transportation. In 2009 we declared victory on our initial objectives.
2010-2019: I refocused on broader cleantech climate-related goals. Find that story, including my “Maybe we’re not doomed” lightbulb moment, at my older profile page at ClimateChangesEverythinng.org. And at What Felix Kramer has written about climate change 2005-2019.
Transformational 20s: Working with people in their 20s at ActiveAllies is fun and energizing! We’re hiring a new A-A Campaigns Manager!​
Reasons for hope
We are at a momentous time for communities everywhere, for our nation and for the world. It’s time to ask ourselves what we really want and find ways to work toward our most ambitious dreams.
As we start a new decade that I hope will be The Transformational ’20s, my goal is to help catalyze the transformations we need, at the scope, scale, and speed we need to avert catastrophe and build a livable world.
Though we live in anxious, uncertain times, I see newfound energy all over. Every day worldwide, billions of us awaken to the pandemic's shared reality. Many of us decide to act in solidarity to protect ourselves and each other. Scientists and industry collaborate at warp speed to find vaccines and treatments.
Once we decide that our communities and cultures are worth saving, human generosity, creativity, and ingenuity can deliver.
We face extraordinary challenges. Amid intersecting crises of pandemic, democracy, racial and economic injustice, most peoples' lives are dire and precarious. Looming above and behind our immediate systemic crises are two ultimate emergencies: climate plus species extinction. Heedless exploitation of our planet has caused both.
More and more people, young and old, live with a given: we’re determined “to do whatever it takes" not only to reverse and repair the damage, but to regenerate and restore the natural world's safety, health, and abundance.
​Organizations I work with & support
ActiveAllies: Founder & Core Team Member.
ClimateChangesEverything: Founder and Editor.
The Foundation for Climate Restoration: Strategic Advisor.
350 Bay Area: Advisory Council Member.
Clean Coalition: Board of Advisors.
Large groups heroically organizing globally: 350.org, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, and Climate Reality.
Youth & Young Adult activism and advocacy groups: Sunrise Movement, Worldward, and Zero Hour
Airminers: a hub for trillion-dollar opportunities to remove carbon dioxide .
Buckminster Fuller Institute: Bucky said “to make the world work for 100% of humanity....”
Citizen's Climate Lobby: pricing carbon.
The Climate Mobilization to act with urgency, with insights on how to avoid burnout.
Drawdown: solutions and projects to reverse global warming
Dream Corps : Justice at #Cut50 #GreenForAll #YesWeCode>
Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2): nonpartisan business voices and networking.
New Consensus: ideas, roadmaps and surveys
People I read & follow (alphabetically)
Gil Friend keeps track of so much
Anand Giridharadas to understand inequality
Rhiana Gunn-Wright strategizing the Green New Deal
Van Jones to bridge many worlds
Hunter Lovins for fundamentals
Bill McKibben for his lifelong efforts
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez for new visions including Message from the Future
Varshini Prakash leads and reflects energy from the Sunrise Movement
David Roberts for strategy and analysis
Rebecca Solnit for passionate language and insight
Greta Thunberg for intensity and inspiration
Alexandra Villaseñor and other youth climate activists
Climate media (alphabetically)
The Carbon Copy weekly update from Carbon180
The Climate Crisis weekly email from Bill McKibben at the New Yorker
ClimateOne for events and podcasts
The Daily Climate news by email
Greenbuzz multiple newsletters
Grist web-based news and email updates
HEATED a daily email from Emily Atkins
Marin Citizens’ Climate Lobby: monthly newsletter (thanks, Peter Joseph)