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More Projects in Development


These are ideas that need teams of people to activate; some live at, where Active Allies first began.

We propose to provide a basic income to millions of young Americans as they start their work lives. They will be a new category of “essential"service and care workers as they defend, repair, and regenerate communities across our country. The Course-Correct Corps will be a supercharged 21st century version of the New Deal’s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). As in 1933, we have no time to waste. Once we have a federal administration grounded in reality, we’ll be catching up to help hard-hit communities swiftly get what they need for public health and climate justice. An understanding of these needs and resources can emerge from local groups, including the mutual aid networks sprouting up in so many places. Learn More

Course-Correct Corps


Critical Path Academy

A community of practice that offers both structured and unstructured online conversations, training, and other resources to support and empower people and organizations who care about forging a sustainable, equitable world.

Founded and led by Gil Friend. Learn more here

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He has founded a community that operates in the spirit of Buckminster Fuller (whose World Game Workshop set Gil’s course nearly 50 years ago):

Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.

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Project Managers, Sponsors, and Mentors can come together to create a Bay Area Directory which lists all local organizations, companies, and events. Another potential project is making Wikis. Wikipedia editors are needed for climate articles, especially on reversing global warming, carbon dioxide removal, and restoring our climate. Wikipedia requires that all editors be volunteers; we’ll connect you with people who’ll train you.


Project Managers can collaborate with leading U.S. climate scientists to expand the impact of their work. Projects can include articles, talks, presentations, and social media. Audiences will be mainly non-technical, including policymakers, influencers, news media, civic organizations, and educational institutions.
A program involving 50 scientists would cost approximately $5 million per year. One or more foundations could fund a three-year project. The project will pair Active Allies Project Managers with the scientists as project Mentors, and could be coordinated through partnership(s) with groups like the Union of Concerned Scientists, ClimateNexus and Climate Corps.

Climate Science Communication

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ClimateHope Media Project

An information resource we’ve started to build, with Grist as our media partner, reporting on climate restoration, climate restorers, etc.
Now we’re recruiting a team to launch Phase 2 and build a crowdfunding/crowdsourcing community for climate reporting at Patreon. 
Learn more at ClimateChangesEverything.

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Networking with successful climate-aware entrepreneurs and ultra-high net-wealth individuals up for a new challenge. Restoring a safe and healthy climate can be their most compelling startup ever, and we hope some of them will be intrigued to work with a Project Manager. We have a deck, a pitch, a shorter intro pitch, and an UltraRestorers Pledge. Learn more at ClimateChangesEverything.

Ultrawealth for Climate Health

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